WWII Museum of Gdańsk - Poland

Muzeum II Wojny Światowej Gdańsk

The Museum of the Second World War (MIIWS), is a Polish cultural institution based in Gdańsk, Poland with whom PUMST has relatively recently begun to work closely.

The first result of this co-operation is setting up a new website (this you are currently browsing), which is being funded jointly by the Gdansk Museum and the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Warsaw, Poland.

We hope that in future more joint fruitful projects will take place; both in the archival and informational technology fileds... These to the benefit of both institutions as well as to the benefit of those whom they serve... all who are iterested in a history of the Second World War...

Contact Details

Muzeum II Wojny Światowej
WWII Muzeum
ul. Długa 81-83
80-831 Gdańsk

T: +48 58 323-75-20
F: + 48 58 323-75-30


Help & Support

  • Financial Support, grants...
  • Coordination of inter-institutional projects



Related Articles

In this category
  • Kindred organisations
  • Internet
  • Museum's official website
  • Tags: Instytucje Partnerskie SPP | MKiDN | Muzeum II Wojny Światowej Gdańsk


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