An updated catalogue - Fond P
Please, be advised that an amended archival catalogue of fond PRASA [archival ID: P] has been published and is avaiable for download in both PDF and EXCEL formats.
Comparing to the the previous version of 2016, there are no changes to the number...
New, complete catalogue - Fond KW1
Please, be advised that a new, complete archival catalogue of fond Komisja Weryfikacyjna 1 (eng. 'Verification Committee 1') [archival ID: KW1] has been published and is avaiable for download in both PDF and EXCEL formats (fully searchable).
An updated archival catalogues Fond B.I
A new, updated version of catalogue B.I has been made available for download. Valid from 21/05/2019 untill further notice.
Comaparing to previous version there are some "comsmetic" changes, chiefly graphics; this to improve clarity of the print...
An updated catalogue - Fond AF
Please, be advised that a new archival catalogue of fond AFISZE (Eng. posters) [archival ID: AF] has been published and is avaiable for download in both PDF and EXCEL formats.
The fond cosists chiefly of original WWII German posters; there are...